What is SNAP Ed?
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is funded by the USDA though The Network for a Healthy California. The Network is a state-wide movement of local, state and national partners collectively working toward improving the health status of low-income Californians through increased fruit and vegetable consumption and daily physical activity. The SNAP program targets those who are on CalFresh or are eligible for CalFresh.
What Services does SNAP Ed Provide?
Combinations of strategies are being used to reach the target population including:
- Direct nutrition education for adults and children
- for presentations call 831-454-4287
- Community engagement
- Peer to peer education
- Rethink Your Drink, a healthy beverage initiative which promotes decreasing the consumption of sugary beverages
- A County Nutrition Action Plan has been developed in partnership with WIC, local family resource centers, United Way, schools, Second Harvest Food Bank and others with the mission in reducing overweight and obesity
Information on Qualifying Neighborhoods
Communities of Excellence in Obesity Prevention, Nutrition and Physical Activity (CX3) is a powerful tool that captures and communicates neighborhood-level data to promote healthier communities. In May of 2012, staff completed the CX3 process for qualifying census tracts in Santa Cruz County. Below are the neighborhood snapshots of the data.
Future Goals
- Changes in local policy to address healthy eating and active living.
- Working with local business to include worksite wellness programs and policies.
- Better healthy food access through corner store conversions.
- Direct nutrition education to the community through schools and after school programs.
- Engage youth to address and identify issues with consumption and access to healthy foods and beverages and physical activity opportunities.
- Continue to engage the community to strategize positive changes to their neighborhoods.
- With community partners implement environmental changes that would support an active lifestyle and drinking water instead of sugary beverages (water refilling stations at schools).
Helpful Resources
Food Resources Within Santa Cruz County

MyPlate - Healthy Eating Tips
Champions for Change are committed to helping their families eat more fruits and vegetables and be more physically active.
The Network for a Healthy California Children's Power Play! Campaign is a statewide nutrition initiative for California's children.

Harvest of the Month provide resources about increasing access to locally grown fruit and vegetables through school meal programs.

Rethink Your Drink urges youth and families to make healthy drink choices by choosing water and other healthy drinks instead of sugar-sweetened drinks like soda, sports drinks and energy drinks.

For over 20 years Santa Cruz Community Farmers’ Markets (SCCFM) has been committed to the health of the local Santa Cruz community.