Medi-Cal Eligible Children and Youth
CHDP provides periodic preventive health services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries under the regulations of the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program (EPSDT). All California Medi-Cal recipients from birth to age 21 are eligible for health assessments.
Non-Medi-Cal Eligible Children and Youth
CHDP provides periodic preventive health services to non-Medi-Cal eligible children and youth from birth to age 19 from low-income families. They are eligible for health assessments.
Early Head Start, Head Start, Migrant Head Start and State Preschool
Children in Head Start (Early Head Start and Migrant Head Start) and State Preschool (who meets income eligibility) programs are eligible for regular health assessments while in these programs (generally ages 3-5).
Childhood disease can cause lifelong disability if not treated promptly. The CHDP Program helps prevent or find health problems though yearly, no cost, health check-ups (for eligibility information click here).
Health Assessment
CHDP health assessments offers a full range of health assessment services provided by private physicians, county health departments, clinics, and some local school districts. CHDP encourages private provider participation.

- Health and developmental history
- Physical examinations
- Nutritional assessment
- Immunizations
- Vision testing
- Hearing testing
- Lead testing
- Some laboratory tests (e.g., Mantoux (Tuberculin), sickle cell, hemoglobin/hematocrit, Pap smears, cholesterol and fasting blood sugar)
- Health education and anticipatory guidance, such as age-appropriate safety awareness

Other services provided are:
Referral Process
What are CHDP referrals?
One of the goals of the CHDP Program is to identify children with medical, dental, nutritional and developmental problems. Once identified, the children may need referral for diagnosis and/or treatment of that problem. For those children that are members of the Central Coast Alliance for Health, the CHDP provider and staff will usually assist with the referral. The CHDP staff is also available to assist families.
What kinds of resources are available to pay for a referral?
There are several forms of insurance to pay for services, such as Medi-Cal and Covered California. Regional Center and California Children Services provide help to children with special needs at little or no cost to families. In addition, there are many community organizations that offer free or low-cost services to children.
Can families independently refer their children?
Many of the resources available to children can be accessed directly by families. Parents often can make referrals happen faster by initiating the process with a phone call or a letter.
Families can contact the CHDP Administrative Office if they need help with a referral (see contact information in the upper left box).
Other Resources
Santa Cruz County Medi-Cal Dental Providers
The following is a list of dentists (and Optometry) in Santa Cruz County currently accepting Central California Alliance for Health (CCAH) and state funded Medi-Cal members. You can also call the state Denti-Cal office at 1-800-322-6384. If you need help making an appointment, please call the CHDP Program at 831-763-8412.
Lo siguiente es una lista de dentistas (y Optometristas) en el Condado de Santa Cruz que actualmente están aceptando miembros de Central California Alliance for Health (CCAH) y fondos estatales para miembros de Medi-Cal. Se habla español. También, puede llamar a la oficina estatal de Denti-Cal al1-800-322-6384. Si necesita ayuda en hacer una cita con un dentista, favor de llamar al programa de CHDP 831-763-8412.